Note: Current research and unpublished versions of some of these papers can be found at arXiv. More details about my publications can be found at Google Scholar.
Note: Online access to many papers requires subscription to the journal or to digesting services such as JSTOR.
Here is a word cloud based on the abstracts from my published papers during the 2000s. The prominence of the words model and data is very comforting.
“Twenty-Five Years of Statistics and Statistical Modelling,” Statistical Modelling, 2025 (with J. Hinde and E. Lesaffre).
“The Conditional Breakdown Properties of LAD-LASSO Regression,” Statistical Outliers and Related Topics, Routledge, 2025 (with B. Feng and A. Giloni).
“A Regression Tree Method for Longitudinal and Clustered Data with Multivariate Responses,” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2024 (with W. Jing).
“Using Conditional Inference Trees to (Re)Explore Nonprofit Board Composition,” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2023 (with R. Abzug).
“Ensemble Methods for Survival Function Estimation with Time-Varying Covariates,” Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2022 (with W. Yao, H. Frydman, and D. Larocque).
“Joint Latent Class Trees: A Tree-Based Approach to Modeling Time-to-Event and Longitudinal Data,” Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2022 (with N. Zhang). Click here for guidance on how to get class memberships from a jlctree object.
“Dynamic Estimation with Random Forests for Discrete-Time Survival Data,” Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2021 (with H. Moradian, W. Yao, D. Larocque, and H. Frydman).
“An Ensemble Method for Interval-Censored Time-to-Event Data,” Biostatistics, 2021 (with W. Yao and H. Frydman).
“The Potential for Nonparametric Joint Latent Class Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data,” Nonparametric Statistics: 4th ISNPS, Salerno, Italy, June 2018, Springer, 2020 (with N. Zhang).
“Cultures of Nonprofit Trusteeship: What Lies Beneath?”, Nonprofit Quarterly, 2018 (with R. Abzug).
“Survival Trees for Interval-Censored Survival Data,” Statistics in Medicine, 2017 (with W. Fu).
“On the Sensitivity of the Lasso to the Number of Predictor Variables,” Statistical Science, 2017 (with C.J. Flynn and C.M. Hurvich).
“Survival Trees for Left-Truncated and Right-Censored Data, with Application to Time-Varying Covariate Data,” Biostatistics, 2017 (with W. Fu).
“Deterioration of Performance of the Lasso with Many Predictors: Discussion of a Paper by Tutz and Gertheiss,” Statistical Modelling, 2016 (with C.J. Flynn and C.M. Hurvich).
“Cultivating Innovative Entrepreneurs for the 21st Century: A Study of U.S. and German Students,” Journal of Higher Education, 2016 (with M.J. Mayhew, W.J. Baumol, B.S. Selznick, and S.J. Vassallo).
“Survival of Broadway Shows: An Empirical Investigation of Recent Trends,” Communications in Statistics - Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications, 2015 (with N. Kulmatitskiy, L.M. Nygren, K. Nygren, and J. Cao).
“Unbiased Regression Trees for Longitudinal and Clustered Data,” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2015 (with W. Fu). Click here for supplemental material and access to code.
“Nonwhite, No More: Effect Coding as an Alternative to Dummy Coding with Implications for Researchers in Higher Education,” Journal of College Student Development, 2015 (with M.J. Mayhew).
“Effect Coding as a Mechanism for Improving the Accuracy of Measuring Students Who Self-Identify with More than One Race,” Research in Higher Education, 2015 (with M.J. Mayhew).
“Efficiency for Regularization Parameter Selection in Penalized Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified Models,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2013 (with C.J. Flynn and C.M. Hurvich).
“Regression Tree-Based Diagnostics for Linear Multilevel Models,” Statistical Modelling, 2013.
“Multilevel Modeling,” The SAGE Handbook of Multilevel Modeling, Sage, 2013 (with M.A. Scott and B.D. Marx).
“Asthma Hospital Admissions and Ambient Air Pollutant Concentrations in New York City,” Journal of Environmental Protection, 2012 (with C.E. Restrepo, G.D. Thurston, and R. Zimmerman).
“Exploring Innovative Entrepreneurship and Its Ties to Higher Educational Experiences,” Research in Higher Education, 2012 (with M.J. Mayhew, W.J. Baumol, B.M. Wiesenfeld, and M.W. Klein).
“Color-Emotion Associations in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Understanding Universal and Local Themes,” Color Research and Application, 2012 (with A. Lechner and L. Harrington).
“RE-EM Trees: A Data Mining Approach for Longitudinal and Clustered Data,” Machine Learning, 2012 (with R.J. Sela). Click here for supplemental plots and access to code.
“Resource Allocation and Infrastructure Density around Vulnerable Sites,” Journal of Risk Research, 2011 (with C.E. Restrepo, R. Zimmerman, Z.S. Naphtali, and H.H. Willis).
“Model Selection in Regression Based on Presmoothing,” Journal of Applied Statistics, 2010 (with M. Aerts and N. Hens).
“An Investigation of Missing Data Methods for Classification Trees Applied to Binary Response Data,” Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2010 (with Y. Ding).
“Risk Management of Cost Consequences in Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Infrastructures,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2010 (with C.E. Restrepo and R. Zimmerman).
“Causes, Cost Consequences, and Risk Implications of Accidents in US Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Infrastructure,” International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 2009 (with C.E. Restrepo and R. Zimmerman).
“Transportation Density and Opportunities for Expediting Recovery to Promote Security,” Journal of Applied Security Research, 2009 (with R. Zimmerman).
“Analysis of Electrical Power and Oil and Gas Pipeline Failures,”Critical Infrastructure Protection, Spring-Verlag, 2008 (with C.E. Restrepo, R. Zimmerman, and Z.S. Naphtali).
“Does Momentum Exist in a Baseball Game?”, Statistical Thinking in Sports, CRC Press, 2007 (with R.J. Sela).
“Tobit Model Estimation and Sliced Inverse Regression”, Statistical Modelling, 2007 (with L. Li and C.-L. Tsai).
“Risk-Management and Risk Analysis-Based Decision Tools for Attacks on Electric Power,” Risk Analysis, 2007 (with C.E. Restrepo and R. Zimmerman). This is an electronic version of an Article published in Risk Analysis, 27(3), 547-570. This paper was selected to be part of a special issue of Risk Analysis on Advances in Terrorism Risk Analysis.
“Risk and Economic Costs of a Terrorist Attack on the Electric System,” The Economic Costs And Consequences of Terrorism, Edward Elgar, 2007 (with R. Zimmerman, C.E. Restrepo, and L. Lave).
“Bright Lights, Big Dreams - A Case Study of Factors Relating to the Success of Broadway Shows,” Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics, 2007 (with L.M. Nygren).
“Can CopaxoneTM Be ViagaraTM? On Branding Innovative Drugs Through Design,” Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Design and Emotion, 2006 (with A. Lechner and L. Harrington).
“Studying 'Glocal' Color-Emotion Associations in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Mapping Universal and Local Themes,” Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Design and Emotion, 2006 (with A. Lechner and L. Harrington).
“Red! I Am In Love, I Am Enraged! A Note on the Risk of Eliciting Negative Emotions,” Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Design and Emotion, 2006 (with A. Lechner and L. Harrington).
“Unraveling Geographic Interdependencies in Electric Power Infrastructure,” Proceedings of 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2006 (with C.E. Restrepo and R. Zimmerman).
“A Mathematical Programming Approach for Improving the Robustness of LAD Regression,” Naval Research Logistics, 2006 (with A. Giloni and B. Sengupta).
“Robust Weighted LAD Regression,” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2006 (with A. Giloni and B. Sengupta).
“ 'Last Licks': Do They Really Help?,” American Statistician, 2006 (with G.A. Simon).
“Robust Analysis of Variance: Process Design and Quality Improvement,” International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2006 (with A. Giloni and S. Seshadri).
“The Conditional Breakdown Properties of Least Absolute Value Local Polynomial Estimators,” Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2005 (with A. Giloni).
“Tree Induction vs. Logistic Regression: A Learning-Curve Analysis,” Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2003 (with C. Perlich and F. Provost).
“An Empirical Study of Factors Relating to the Success of Broadway Shows,” Journal of Business, 2003 (with L. Ma).
“Score Tests for the Single Index Model,” Technometrics, 2002 (with C.-L. Tsai).
“Were the 1996-2000 Yankees the Best Baseball Team Ever?” Chance, 2002 (with G.A. Simon). (Fuller version of paper available.) This paper was selected to be reprinted in the book The Oxford Anthology of Statistics in Sports, Volume 1: 2000-2004.
“A Robust Approach to Categorical Data Analysis,” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2001 (with K.V. Shane). (Code available).
“Nonprofits as Large Employers: A City-Level Geographical Inquiry,” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2000 (with R. Abzug).
“Predicting Movie Grosses: Winners and Losers, Blockbusters and Sleepers,” Chance, 2000 (with I.R. Sparrow). (Fuller version of paper and data available.)
“Smoothing Methods for Discrete Data,” Smoothing and Regression. Approaches, Computation and Application, Wiley, 2000 (with G. Tutz).
“Transformation-Based Density Estimation for Weighted Distributions,” Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2000 (with H. El Barmi). (Code available).
“Semiparametric and Additive Model Selection Using an Improved Akaike Information Criterion,” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 1999 (with C.-L. Tsai). (Code available).
“Toward Enhancing the Quality and Quantity of Marketing Majors: An Empirical Study,” Journal of Marketing Education, 1999 (with P.A. La Barbera). (Data and supporting material available).
“Penalized Maximum Likelihood,” Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 1998.
“Move Over, Roger Maris: Breaking Baseball's Most Famous Record,” Journal of Statistics Education, 1998.
“Three Sides of Smoothing: Categorical Data Smoothing, Nonparametric Regression, and Density Estimation,” International Statistical Review, 1998. (Code available).
“Logistic Regression, Categorical Predictors, and Goodness-of-Fit: It Depends on Who You Ask,” American Statistician, 1998.
“Smoothing Parameter Selection in Nonparametric Regression Using an Improved Akaike Information Criterion,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. B, 1998 (with C.M. Hurvich and C.-L. Tsai). (Code available) (Postscript file of fuller version of paper available) (Compressed Postscript file of fuller version of paper available).
“Measuring the Stability of Histogram Appearance When the Anchor Position is Changed,” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 1997 (with F. Udina) (Fuller version of paper available).
“The 'Unusual Episode' and a Second Statistics Course,” Journal of Statistics Education, 1997.
“Nursing Behaviors of Beluga Calves (Delphinapterus Leucas) Born in Captivity,” Zoo Biology, 1997 (with J.M. Russell and J. Nightingale).
“Smoothing Categorical Data,” Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 1995.
“The Anchor Position of Histograms and Frequency Polygons: Quantitative and Qualitative Smoothing,” Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 1995.
“A Geometric Combination Estimator for d-Dimensional Ordinal Sparse Contingency Tables,” Annals of Statistics, 1995 (with J. Dong).
“A Simple, Automatic and Adaptive Bivariate Density Estimator Based on Conditional Densities,” Statistics and Computing, 1995 (Code available).
“Use of Modified Profile Likelihood for Improved Tests of Constancy of Variance in Regression,” Applied Statistics, 1994 (with C.-L. Tsai).
“Improving the Estimation and Outlier Identification Properties of the Least Median of Squares and Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Estimators,” Parisankhyan Samikkha, 1994 (with A.S. Hadi) (Code available).
“Distributing a Computationally Intensive Estimator: The Case of Exact LMS Regression,” Computational Statistics, 1994 (with D.M. Hawkins and A.J. Stromberg) (Code available). (DOS executable available).
“The Construction and Properties of Boundary Kernels for Sparse Multinomials,” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 1994 (with J. Dong) (Code available).
“Procedures for the Identification of Multiple Outliers in Linear Models,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1993 (with A.S. Hadi) (Code available).
“High Breakdown Regression and Multivariate Estimation,” Applied Statistics, 1993 (with D.M. Hawkins) (Code available). (DOS executable available).
“The Relative Importance of Bias and Variability in the Estimation of the Variance of a Statistic,” The Statistician, 1993.
“A Study of the Effectiveness of Simple Density Estimation Methods,” Computational Statistics, 1993 (with C.M. Hurvich) (Code available).
“Prediction in Censored Survival Data: A Comparison of the Proportional Hazards and Linear Regression Models,” Biometrics, 1992 (with G. Heller).
“Assessing the Influence of Individual Observations on a Goodness-of-Fit Test Based on Nonparametric Regression,” Statistics and Probability Letters, 1991 (with C.-L. Tsai).
“Variance Estimation for Sample Autocovariances: Direct and Resampling Approaches,” Australian Journal of Statistics, 1991 (with C.M. Hurvich and S.L. Zeger).
“Higher Order Effects in Log-Linear and Log-Nonlinear Models for Contingency Tables with Ordered Categories,” Applied Statistics, 1991 (with C.-L. Tsai).
“General Approaches to Stepwise Identification of Unusual Values in Data Analysis,” Directions in Robust Statistics and Diagnostics: Part II, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
“A Comparison of Estimators for Regression With a Censored Response Variable,” Biometrika, 1990 (with G. Heller).
“Estimation and Inference in Pharmacokinetic Models: The Effectiveness of Model Reformulation and Resampling Methods for Functions of Parameters,” Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics, 1990 (with D. Niedzwiecki).
“The Use of Guided Reformulations When Collinearities are Present in Non-Linear Regression,” Applied Statistics, 1989 (with C.-L. Tsai).
“Detecting Outlying Cells in Two-Way Contingency Tables via Backwards Stepping,” Technometrics, 1988.
“Regression Diagnostics to Detect Nonrandom Missingness in Linear Regression,” Technometrics, 1988.
“Jackknifing and Bootstrapping Quasi-Likelihood Estimators,” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 1988 (with C.-L. Tsai).
“The Breakdown and Influence Properties of Outlier Rejection-Plus-Mean Procedures,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1987.
“Outlier Detection and Robust Estimation of Scale,” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 1987.
“Probability Estimation via Smoothing in Sparse Contingency Tables,” Statistics and Probability Letters, 1987.
“The Use of Regression Methodology for the Compromise of Confidential Information in Statistical Databases,” ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 1987 (with M.A. Palley).
“Jackknifing and Bootstrapping Goodness-of-Fit Statistics in Sparse Multinomials,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1986.
“Diagnostic Plots for Missing Data in Least Squares Regression,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1986 (with G.A. Simon).
“Alternative Estimation Procedures for Pr(X < Y) in Categorized Data,” Biometrics, 1986 (with Y. Hochberg and B. Reiser).
“Jackknife-based Estimators and Confidence Regions in Nonlinear Regression,” Technometrics, 1986 (with C.-L. Tsai).
“An Improved Goodness-of-Fit Statistic for Sparse Multinomials,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1985.
“The Yale Survey: A Large-scale Study of Book Deterioration in the Yale University Library,” College and Research Libraries, 1985 (with R.G. Walker, J. Greenfield and J. Fox).
“The Calculation of Outlier Detection Statistics,” Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 1984 (Code available).
“A Comparison of Robust Methods and Detection of Outliers Techniques when Estimating a Location Parameter,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1984.
“Budget Attainment in Single Period Inventory Models,” Engineering Economist, 1984 (with I.W. Kabak).
“A Penalty Function Approach to Smoothing Large Sparse Contingency Tables,” Annals of Statistics, 1983.
“A Look at Daily Lotteries,” American Statistician, 1983 (with I.W. Kabak).
“The Application of Statistical Methodology to the Evaluation of Timing Devices in Commodities Trading,” Journal of Futures Markets, 1981.