Homepage on European Monetary Union and the Euro  

Prepared by Nouriel Roubini 

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Recent articles from The Economist

Click here to get the Economist articles

Recent articles from the Financial Times

A guide to EMU

Peter Martin: Emu's new horizons

Robert Chote: The euro-creature

The Financial Time Page on EMU: a large collection of articles and materials
(to access this page you need a free registration with the Financial Times that can be obtained cliking here).

US views on EMU

Larry Summers: a view of the EMU from the US Treasury

Robert Peston: Note of confusion on single currency in the UK

Lionel Barber: The cost of UK's dithering

UK: Government unity strained by Emu

Recent articles from the Wall Street Journal

Why Monetary Unions are Good foor Small Open Economies

The Euro, Another Look: An Editorial Page Comment

Can 11 Eurostates Find Harmony? Does It Matter?

Recent analyses from the Morgan Stanley Global Economic Forum

 EMU Insights

EMU: The Death of the Convergenge Trade

EMU: Political Dynamics in the Euro-zone

EMU: Three Challenges for Fiscal Policies (I)

EMU: Three Challenges for Fiscal Policies (II)

EMU:Three Challenges for Fiscal Policies (III)

UK: We Are Not EMU-sed?

Europe: The Week Ahead Should Be Volatile

EMU: Inflation and The ECB's Credibility

(from the Financial Times EMU homepage)

The European Monetary Institute web site provides an overview of the institute and contact addresses.

The Association for the Monetary Union of Europe is a lobbying group for the establishment of monetary union backed by many European companies. Its web site has a monthly online EMU newsletter.

UK Citizens Online Democracy is running an EMU and Britain debate. It has a set of background papers and resources.

Papers and speeches:
The Bank of International Settlements' archive of central bankers' speeches contains several on EMU topics, including one by Hans Tietmeyer, president of the Bundesbank. The speeches can all be downloaded as Acrobat files.

European Monetary Union: Implications, Opportunities and Challenges is the text of a speech given by Richard Fuld, chairman of Lehman Brothers

International Economics Working Paper 9208: Costs and Benefits of EMU by Wilfried Fuhrmann, University of Potsdam

Center for Economic Research Discussion Paper: Designing Fiscal and Monetary Institutions for a European Monetary Union

The European Bond Commission is building a database of abstracts of EMU papers

Hugo Paemen, the EU ambassador to Washington, and Fred Bergsten, president of the Institute for International Economics, discuss EMU and its impact on the US on National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation phone in programme. This is a RealAudio file.


The Iowa Electronic Market (IEM) 1998 EMU Membership Winner-Takes-All Market
The IEM 1998 EMU Membership Market is a real-money futures market where contract payoffs will be determined by the Initial
Selection List for the European Economic and Monetary Union.

JP Morgan's EMU calculator makes a league table of the financial markets' expectations that any given country will participate in monetary union.

The EMU Library contains EMU documents such as the Maastricht treaty.

The Deutsche Bank web site has a European Monetary Union FAQ list in English.

Martin Ricketts, an EMU consultants, has an online Euro currency converter on his trilingual site promoting his EMU booklet.

The Bundesbank is another source of information.

EMUNet  is an independent, non-profit web site on Europe's monetary union. It gives instant access to a database of official and policy documentation, and acts as a forum where think tanks, interest organisations, businesses, academia and individuals can share information and debate the pros and cons of Emu from the UK perspective.

The UK arm of the KMPG firm of management consultants has surveyed companies across Europe on the key strategic business issues presented by European Monetary Union. It found that though companies believed EMU would go ahead in 1999, only one in five of UK respondents had a plan to ready itself as opposed to more than half their German counterparts.

The Euro:
Every good currency needs its symbol. The Euro's is a circular-looking E with two short horizontal parallel lines through it. Get your keyboard to produce that! The Project Euro site is calling for solutions.

Finally, on the light side:

Halloween and the Euro-scene 

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