Masakazu Ishihara

Associate Professor of Marketing
Leonard N. Stern School of Business
New York University

CV (pdf)
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"Counter-Cyclical Price Promotion: Capturing Seasonal Change in Stockpiling and Endogenous Consumption," (with Minjung Kwon and Tülin Erdem), forthcoming in Quantitative Marketing and Economics.

"An Empirical Study of Scarcity Marketing Strategies: Limited-Time Products with Umbrella Branding in Beer Market," (with Minjung Kwon and Makoto Mizuno), forthcoming in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

"Accounting for Causality When Measuring Sales Lift from Television Advertising," (with Henry Assael and Baek Jung Kim), Journal of Advertising Research, 61(1), 2021, 3-11 (lead article).
    - 2021 Best Paper Award

"Software Piracy and Outsourcing in Two-Sided Markets," (with Eitan Muller), Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 18(1), 2020, 61-124.

"Strategic Entrepreneurship's Dynamic Tensions: Converging (Diverging) Effects of Experience and Networks on Market Entry Timing and Entrant Performance," (with Eric Yanfei Zhao and P. Devereaux Jennings), Journal of Business Venturing, 35(2), 2020, 1-23.

"Dynamic Demand for New and Used Durable Goods without Physical Depreciation: The Case of Japanese Video Games," (with Andrew Ching), Marketing Science, 38(3), 2019, 392-416.

"A Computationally Efficient Fixed Point Approach to Dynamic Structural Demand Estimation," (with Yutec Sun), Journal of Econometrics, 208(2), 2019, 563-584.
    - Source Codes for the Monte Carlo exercises (NFP, MPEC, and PFP)

"Identification of Dynamic Models of Rewards Programme," (with Andrew Ching), Japanese Economic Review (special issue on Marketing and Industrial Organization), 69(3), 2018, 306-323.

"Optimal Distinctiveness in the Console Video Game Industry: An Exemplar-Based Model of Proto-Category Evolution," (with Eric Yanfei Zhao, P. Devereaux Jennings, and Michael Lounsbury), Organization Science, 29(4), 2018, 588-611.

"Balancing Exclusivity and Accessibility: Patterns of Brand and Product Line Extension Strategies in the Fashion Luxury Industry," (with Poppy Zhang), Luxury: History Culture Consumption (special issue on the Business of Luxury), 4(1), 2017, 31-57.

"Predicting Advertising Success Beyond Traditional Measures: New Insights from Neurophysiological Methods and Market Response Modeling,” (with Vinod Venkatraman, Angelika Dimoka, Paul A. Pavlou, Khoi Vo, William Hampton, Bryan Bollinger, Hal E. Hershfield, and Russell S. Winer), Journal of Marketing Research, 52(4), 2015, 436-452.

"Overcoming the Illegitimacy Discount: Cultural Entrepreneurship in the U.S. Feature Film Industry," (with Eric Yanfei Zhao and Michael Lounsbury), Organization Studies, 34(12), 2013 1747-1776.

"Measuring the Informative and Persuasive Roles of Detailing on Prescribing Decisions," (with Andrew Ching), Management Science, 58(7), 2012, 1374-1387.

"A Practitioner's Guide to Bayesian Estimation of Discrete Choice Dynamic Programming Models," (with Andrew Ching, Susumu Imai, and Neelam Jain), Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 10(2), 2012, 151-196 (lead article).
    - Source Codes for the Monte Carlo exercises (in C and MATLAB)

"The Effects of Detailing on Prescribing Decisions under Quality Uncertainty," (with Andrew Ching), Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 8(2), 2010, 123-165 (lead article).
    - Honorable Mention, 2011 Dick Wittink Prize

Working papers

"A Dynamic Structural Model of Endogenous Consumer Reviews in Durable Goods Markets," (with Yuzhou Liu), R&R.

"Evaluating the Effect of Soda Taxes Using a Dynamic Model of Rational Addiction," (with Jong Yeob Kim), R&R.

"The Role of Time-Shifting in Serial Drama Viewing: Implications for Drama Producers and Advertisers," (with Baek Jung Kim and Hiroshi Kumakura), R&R.

"Peer Effects in Adoption and Usage of Crowdfunding Platforms: Evidence from United States Public School Teachers," (with Baek Jung Kim and Vishal Singh).

"Brands versus Brand Extensions: Implications of Brand-based Learning for the Dynamics of Sales," (with Sridhar Moorthy).

"The Effect of Acquisitions on Product Quality, Innovativeness, and Sales Performance: Evidence from the Console Video Game Industry (2002-2010)," (with Zekun Liu and Joost Rietveld).

"Is Early Product Release Preannouncement a Signal for High Product Quality?" (with Baek Jung).

"What Distorts What We See in Online Reviews? Assessing the Sources of Reporting Bias in Review Ratings and Comments," (with Hiroshi Kumakura)

"Health Insurance and the Dynamics of Patient Decision Making," (with Jong Yeob Kim and Vishal Singh).

"Price Discrimination via Versioning with Limited Quantity and Time: The Case of Special Edition Video Games," (with Joost Rietveld and Yuzhou Liu).

"Bayesian Estimation of Finite-Horizon Discrete Choice Dynamic Programming Models," (with Andrew Ching).

Selected works in progress

"The Value of Content Inclusiveness: Evidence from a Social Media Platform" (with Weiqing Zhang)

"The Usage and Impact of Differentiation: Evidence from an Online EdTech Platform" (with Zekun Liu and Tülin Erdem).

"Habit Formation and Financial Rewards Through Digital Fitness" (with Eunkyung An and Raluca Ursu)

"Estimating Trends for Product Characteristics: Evidence from the U.S. Motion Picture Industry," (with Weiqing Zhang).

"Uncovering Latent Consumption/Purchase Occasions from Observational Data on Brand and Quantity Choices" (with Eunkyung An and Makoto Mizuno).

"Pre-Ordering and Manufacturer's Return Policies for Durable Goods: Theory and Empirical Evidence," (with Jong Yeob Kim).

"Addiction and Alcohol Tax: Evidence from Japanese Beer Industry," (with Kohei Hayashida, Makoto Mizuno, and Kosuke Uetake).

"Understanding Changes in Purchase Behavior due to Aging for Consumer Goods: A Hierarchical Gaussian Process Approach" (with Akira Shimizu and Takashi Teramoto).