I) Here is some press coverage of my work (** indicates major articles still worth reading)
**The Believer, 7/15/05, Jonathan Haidt, Social and Moral Psychologist, interview by Tamler Sommers.
**The Today Show, NBC, 2/28/06. Interview about The Happiness Hypothesis, with Ann Curry.
The New Yorker, 2/27/06. Review of The Happiness Hypothesis, by John Lanchester
Nature, 5/4/06. Review of The Happiness Hypothesis, by Daniel Nettle. [subscription or library account needed]
New York Times, 5/7/06, "Marshmallows and public policy," by David Brooks.
New York Times, 12/3/06. "Teaching the elephant," by David Brooks.
New York Times, 2/12/07. "Across the great divide: Investigating links between personality and politics," by Patricia Cohen.
Nature, 6/14/07. "The Depths of Disgust," by Dan Jones.
**New York Times, 9/18/07. “Is 'do unto others' written into our genes?” Front page article in Science section, by Nicholas Wade.
National Review Online, 9/21/07, Wired morality, by Jonah Goldberg. (Includes links to essays by Will Wilkinson, Ross Douthat, Andrew Sullivan, and Rod Dreher).
New York Times, 12/28/07. "The Sidney awards II," by David Brooks.
New York Times Magazine, 1/13/08. “The moral instinct,” by Steven Pinker.
New York Times Book Review, 2/3/08. "Morality studies," by Paul Bloom
Prospect Magazine (UK), April 2008. "The emerging moral psychology", by Dan Jones.
New York Times, 5/13/08. "The neural buddhists," by David Brooks
**Science, 5/9/08. "The roots of morality," by Greg Miller
New York Times, 9/11/08, "No laughing matter," by Judith Warner
Slate, 12/3/08. “Obama in your heart,” By Emily Yoffe
Nature, 2/12/09, "Human nature: The remix," by Dan Jones. [subscription or library account needed]
NBC Nightly News, 3/17/09, story on how people are doing good deeds during the recession
New York Times, 4/7/09. "The End of Philosophy," by David Brooks.
**Miller-McCune, April 2009, "Morals Authority," by Tom Jacobs. Reprinted in the Utne Reader, Sept. 2009.
New York Times, 5/27/09, "Would you slap your father? If so, you're a liberal," by Nicholas Kristoff
New York Times, 7/1/09, "When our brains short circuit," by Nicholas Kristoff
Scientific American, December 2009, "Political science: The psychological differences in the U.S.'s Red-Blue divide," by Michael Shermer
New Scientist, 1/16/10, "Five emotions you never knew you had." By Jessica Griggs
New York Times, 1/16/10, "Our basic human pleasures: Food, sex, and giving," by Nicholas Kristoff
Fivebooks.com, 4/13/10, Happiness Hypothesis discussed by David Brooks as one of his five favorite books on neuroscience. [see also Emrys Westacott's choice of Happiness Hypothesis]
New York Times, 7/23/10. "The Moral Naturalists," by David Brooks.
Fivebooks.com, 7/27/10, "Jonathan Haidt on Happiness." (I discuss my five favorite books on happiness).
BigQuestionsOnline.com, 8/11/10, "Why do you value your morals?" by Rod Dreher.
Boston Globe, 8/14/10, "Ewwwww! The surprising force of moral disgust," by Drake Bennett
Fivebooks.com, 8/15/10, "Planet of the Durkheimians" discussed by Brink Lindsey as one of his five favorite books/articles on conservatism.
LiveScience.com, 11/1/10, "Rising rancor: One nation, divisible by politics." by Stephanie Pappas.
**New York Times, 2/7/11, "Social Scientist Sees Bias Within," by John Tierney. This article generated a great deal of commentary and controversy; see here.
Washington Post, 4/26/11, "Obama, lost in thought," by Dana Milbank.
New York Times, 5/17/11. "Nice guys finish first," by David Brooks.
TED.com, "7 Rules for Making More Happiness." Designer Stefan Sagmeister illustrates several of the major points from The Happiness Hypothesis in a visually brilliant way.
Financial Times, 7/3/11, "US Fiscal Crisis is a Morality Play," by Clive Crook.
New York Times, 8/14/11, "The Elusive Big Idea," by Neal Gabler. (Mentioned as one of three big thinkers in the social sciences, along with Steve Pinker and Richard Dawkins)
New York Times, 11/13/11, "The Gulf of Morality," by Thomas Edsall.
The American Conservative, 11/13/11, "Moral foundations and loyalty", by Rod Dreher (about the Penn State sexual abuse scandal)
Scientific American (Blogs), 12/8/11, "Jonathan Haidt and the Moral Matrix." by Samuel McNerney.
New York Times, 1/15/12, "What the right gets right," by Thomas Edsall.
Chronicle of Higher Education, 1/29/12, Jonathan Haidt decodes the tribal psychology of politics, by Marc Parry.
Chronicle of Higher Education, 1/29/12, A Political Defector, by Marc Parry.
The Atlantic, 2/6/12, Conservatives are from Mars, Liberals are from Venus, by Tom Edsall.
For all publicity after Feb 2012 please see RighteousMind.com
II) Here are some short pieces I have written for non-academic outlets:
III) Here are some talks I have given on politics and morality, available online:
Interview with Bill Moyers, Feb 4, 2012 from BillMoyers.com
For all talks and videos after Feb 2012 please see RighteousMind.com
IV) Here are some other talks and miscellaneous things:
Return to Haidt's homepage at NYU
Last Updated March 19, 2012